Sunday, April 25, 2010

Breakup Diary Day 2

Breakup Diary

Day 2

I miss him. This is the second day since we agreed on ending whatever it was that we had. I expected it to hurt but not this much. Just the thought of him makes my heart ache. I'm sure it's not just the man that I'm aching for but the friendship and the constant companion that I found in him.

Yesterday wasn't so bad as I spent most of it with my friends and I was halfway drunk. In my drunkin stupor, I rang him but hang up. I didn't really know what to tell him. I had so much to say but my head was so clouded and I didn't know where to start. I just wanted to hear that ring if only to assure me that even if we can't be together anymore, he is there and he is real and is still reachable one way or another.

I wasn't expecting him to be awake at 1 am but he was and he called me right back and we talked for hours and I got back in my old addiction and I called back over and over. I wonder how it feels to be like him. To be someone who is so hard to let go. Each minute I spent with him on the phone makes it harder for me hang up. His voice is soothing. For a few minutes there, I felt like everything is allright. He didn't give me any asurance, he didn't even try to hold me back but somehow I felt like every word out of his mouth, harsh or sweet, is pulling me back to him.

But I have to do this.

Day 2 is almost over. When I sleep tonight and when I wake up tomorrow it will be another day and I will face it with the same hope that the day after will be easi
er to live through.

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