Monday, April 26, 2010

Breakup Diary Day 4

Breakup Diary

Day 4

I miss him. Still.Considering.
This room reminds me of him. Everything reminds me of him. But memories won't last me long. Memories can't keep me happy. A few minutes of nostalgia sometimes suffice. Sometimes it makes my day. Sometimes it lasts me a day or so but memories are memories. They might even be altered by the mind. Some may not even be true. That's what he is now. Memory of distant past.

I didn't even bother to send my usual "good morning" today. If he remembers me without that then well and good. If he doesn't, the idea won't kill me. See, I'm making progress. He sent me his "good morning" though. So he remembers me but who are we kidding? We are just buying us time before we fade away. We fade away very subtly.

Wierd things happened today. Knowing how my heart is broken, a good friend, Jethro is trying to play cupid. He gave my number, written on a tissue paper, to the waiter at Jappengo the other day when we had late lunch and late last night he broadcast my number on a television show so I was swamped with messages and calls from starnger as early as 1am. Most of the messages are perverted and the calls lifted my spirit alot that I was so inspired to murder someone. Anyway, I know he meant well or maybe it was again one of his pranks but I'll deal with it.

A good thinker for the day, Miko told me this when I got to the office and we had a little chitchat about love and heartaches and relationships, "the success of a relationship is in the hands of the one who cares less". Does it really? Is a relationship just a game where the person who cares less or loves less hold the cards? And whats at stake? The heart of the person who cares more? Such a sad thought but somehow, it rings true.

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