Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Her's is not a story of a lover who strayed. Not of the frogs she kissed with hopes of them turning into a 'prince' but never did, but poisoned her apple anyway. Not of the many strangers she met and held in her drunken stupor. Those are just fractions of her very thick book and most of those pieces she dared mention and shared are those which count very little to her,if any.

Once upon a time she was the King's Princess. In his kingdom of violence and danger, she felt safe. She was home. She was a little girl who knew nothing else but the world she was in and she was happy that way.

Christmas was her favorite. She would hang a sock every night days before Christmas and Santa would always find something to put in there. Cash,toothpaste,bath soap,candies...anything and on Christmas eve, she would get toys and gifts and Christmas was complete for her. Her life was simple. It was not perfect but it was enough to make her happy. When she was afraid she would just cover her ears and close her eyes and sleep away because she knew that even if the world fall apart while she was asleep, someone would be there to shelter her to safety. She trusted.

Then someone decided to change things and it changed everything. And she hated that and those who initiated it.

She stopped hanging socks on Christmas because she felt that she's not on Santa's list anymore. She still believed in Christmas and still believed in Santa but she no longer believed in herself. Because she thought that even if the world sees her happy smile and good behavior, her heart has been tarnished and she learned to hate and she knew that hate was not good.

She woke up one day and knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted an escape.

Finally she found an easy way out. She ran and ran until she got tired. The running did her well. She got too exhausted to give a thought on what she left behind but when the last drop of sweat has dried out,she realized that she need to go back from where she started to know how far forward she had actually ran.

7 years.She stalled enough.

She will be touching base soon and as eager and excited she is to do that,she is anxious. She is scared. She will be going back to a place where her heart got broken the most and she is not sure if she is ready. She is scared to see the King in his kingdom which was once her's too. She is afraid to see him right at the same spot where she saw him last.

She wants him to vindicate her with change. She want to go back to a place that has been altered by time, in a good way. She want to see him better. She want him to prove that she was not wrong to expect more from him and that she was right to hate him for being less.

She want him to give her a reason to be proud of what she has done and of what she has become.

She want her story of him to have a happy ending.

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