Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rest and Peace

"Rest if you must but never surrender".

This life is draining.Emotionally, physically and financially (HAHA!). At times, it sucks my zeal away and my enthusiasm fades along with the days.Circumstances strains my mood and my relationships and lack thereof.

Rest. That is what I need. I just can't quite figure out what 'rest' is to me now. Is it sleep? Food? Family time? Me-time? Days with none to do but lounge? Mind-blowing sex? Love perhaps? Probably all of the above.

In reality, I can't have it all. That is true for everyone (I hope so, for fairness' sake). Therefore I have to choose. So if I am to choose one, which? What is rest and how does it work? In a life as complicated as mine, simple joys are my last refuge.

I know a lot of times, I ask for too much but really, all I want is a little consistency and one specially beautiful day that would make me wish that things will never ever change, and maybe, just stay in there for a little longer that just a day. :)

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